Here are several important concepts to help us understand Catholic Social Teaching. They include the family, the place of authority, subsidarity, and private property.
Family as the Basic Social Unit.
Authority as a Natural Phenomenon
Modern society sees authority as something we "put up with" only to maintain some sense of order. Authority is seen as a threat to freedom. The Church believes authority is natural to society. Pacem in Terris states, "Human society can be neither well-ordered nor prosperous unless it has some people invested with legitimate authority to preserve its institutions and to devote themselves as far as is necessary to work and care for the good of all. These however derive their authority from God, as St. Paul teaches in the words, Authority comes from God alone" (paragraph 46, Romans 13:1-6). To obey those in authority is to be obedient to God (paragraph 50). The need for authority is a natural part of human society. However, all legitimate authority must be based on moral law.
This page last updated on December 25, 2009