One of the most important things we do as Catholics is the celebration of the Mass. Unfortunately, our understanding of the Mass tends to be poor. In the early church, the Mass, called "The Breaking of the Bread" in the Book of Acts and the New Testament Letters, was celebrated in private homes. The early church was small and was persecuted so Mass was celebrated secretly in homes. After the conversion of Emperor Constantine in 313 A.D., Christians were no longer persecuted. When it became the religion of the state, much larger worship spaces were needed. As the state religion, Mass was done in Latin, the language of the people.
Over time, the Roman Empire fell and the regular people no longer spoke Latin. Mass continued to be done in Latin as the "language of the church" and bibles were only available in Latin. This meant that the people could not understand the words the priest said. So, Mass became something the priest did while the people prayed devotions, like the Rosary. Since the people did not understand Latin, bells were rung at the consecration to let the people know what was going on.
Perhaps the most visible change made by reforms the Second Vatican Council called for Mass to be said in the vernacular language (the language of the local people). (Paragraph three of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium) Now, the people understand the words of the Mass but may be lacking in a full understanding of the Mass.
Thus, it seems appropriate to provide some basic teaching on the parts of the Mass and the meaning of those parts. First, we should discuss the purpose of the Mass. The Mass, as worship, is designed to give praise to God. The "opposite" view is that we gather for Mass to make ourselves feel good. Without question, we give praise to God in our Mass. But I do not believe that the Mass is meant to make us feel good about ourselves all the time. Should it make us feel good? Yes. However, we each have our crosses to bear and the Mass speaks differently to different people. What speaks to one person may seem irrelevant to one person may be of the utmost importance to the next person. Hopefully, this explanation of the Mass will help you appreciate the Mass more fully.
To understand what the Mass is about it is important that we understand what it means for the people in the pews to be active participants in the Mass and what the role of the presider is.
Active participation begins with external acts. Thus, the congregation are called to share in the singing and the appropriate responses. Mass is not a spectator event were the presider does everything. The people sing. Lectors share in the readings and altar servers assist the priest. Our posture is part of active participation. We stand in union, we sit as we listen, and we kneel as we offer the Eucharistic Prayer as a sign of humbling ourselves before God. Even periods of silence are part of our active participation. The silence is a chance for us to reflect on how God is speaking to us.
Active participation goes beyond our external acts. As active participants we are called to attentively listen to the readings and homily and reflect upon their meaning in our lives. We are called not to just watch as the priest presides. As presider, the role of the priest is not to do everything himself. Rather, the priest as presider leads the people as they offer their worship. (Click here to read a homily on the road to Emmaus and what it might teach us about the Mass.)
There are two main parts to the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Liturgy of the Word begins after the opening prayer (collect) and continues through the readings, homily, creed, and Prayers of the Faithful. The Liturgy of the Eucharist begins with the preparation of the gifts and concludes with the Prayer after Communion. Before we begin the Liturgy of the Word, though, we have some introductory rights. The outline presented below is taken from the General Instruction for the Roman Missal (GIRM) paragraphs 46 - 90.
Introductory Rites - The introductory rites are not just something we do to get the Mass started. The gathering rites, beginning with the procession and opening hymn are meant to draw us together as a community and to open ourselves to the spirit. The GIRM says the gathering hymn's primary purpose is to draw us into unity. We must be welcoming to each person, friend or stranger to have unity.
Procession - In the Procession, the priest, (deacon), servers and other ministers enter, preferably while a hymn is being sung. The act of processing can serve as a symbol of gathering together to worship God. The entrance hymn serves two purposes. One, it gives praise to God. Secondly, by the act of all the people singing it together, promotes the unity of the congregation. The congregation should not be seen as a group of individual people but rather as a people gathered together as one.
Gathering at the Altar and Greeting - The priest and ministers bow the altar as a sign of reverence (genuflect if the Tabernacle is nearby) and the priest (and deacon) kiss the altar as a further sign of reverence. The priest begins by making the Sign of the Cross and greeting the people (and offering a short introduction).
Penitential Rite - In the Penitential Rite, we are called to reflect on the fact that we are not perfect in and of ourselves. Rather, we rely on God's help and seek his mercy for those times when we stumble and fail to do good (God's will). It's about praising God for his mercy upon our sins. During the Easter Season, the Penitential Rite may be replaced by a sprinkling rite.
Gloria - The Gloria is an ancient hymn of praise, giving glory to God as the Lamb of God. It is omitted during the seasons of Advent and Lent.
Opening Prayer (Collect) - The opening prayer is a different prayer for each Sunday and Holy Day of the year. There are also specific prayers assigned for many of the feasts and memorials of the saints. Lastly, there are prayers writing based on topic, i.e. peace, unity, vocations, and a good harvest.
For Further Reading
This page last updated on December 4, 2013