Ad Gentes - Decree on the Church's Missionary Activity - This document states that missionary activity includes tending to the social and economic needs of the people and should never force Catholicism on anyone.
Apostolicam Actuositatem - Decree of the Apostolate of the Laity - This document calls for the laity to integrity their Christianity in their daily lives.
Christus Dominus - Decree on the Bishops' Pastoral Office in the Church - This document discusses the role of the Bishop and the Episcopal Conferences of Bishops.
Dei Verbum - Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation - This document discusses the importance of scripture and the use of scientific study of scripture.
Dignitatis Humanae - Declaration on Religious Freedom - This document calls for religious freedom and states that no one should be forced to worship contrary to their own beliefs.
Gaudium et Spes - Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World - This document calls for Catholics to live their faith in the world and to participate in work for peace and social justice.
Gravissimum Educationis - Declaration on Christian Education - This document discusses the importance of Catholic schools, the role of the parent in Christian Education of their children and freedom of inquiry at Catholic Universities.
Inter Mirifica - Decree on the Instruments of Social Communication - This document calls for a Christian Spirit in modern communication such as newspapers, radio, and television
Lumen Gentium - Dogmatic Constitution on the Church - This document presents the church as mystery, a communion of the baptized moving toward fulfillment in heaven.
Nostra Aetate - Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions - This document discusses the non-Christian religions of the world and the truth that can be found in them and calls for an end to anti-Semitism.
Optatam Totius - Decree on Priestly Formation - This document addresses of seminary life in forming good priests.
Orientalium Ecclesiarum - Decree on Eastern Catholic Churches - This document discusses the variety found within the Eastern Churches in union with Rome.
Perfectae Caritatis - Decree on the Appropriate Renewal of Religious Life - This document discusses the personal and institution renewal of Religious Life.
Presbyterrum Ordinis - Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests - This document calls for priests to proclaim the Gospel and an understanding of priestly life and celibacy.
Sacrosanctum Concilium - Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy - This document orders the revisions of worship to help the people understand their role in the liturgies.
Unitatis Redintegratio - Decree on Ecumenism - This document that ecumenism is a concern of the church and is a part of our personal and institution renewal.
This page last updated on August 28, 2011