What follows below is a list of reflections I have written on issues of faith in our culture. These have been written for this web site. After the list of reflections is a list of some of the papers I wrote for seminary classes. The papers are in pdf format so you will need Acrobat Reader to view them.
"Improving Too Fast to Improve" - We will live in our world where technology is advancing very rapidly. In this reflection I explore the question is the rapid rate of advancing technology a good thing.
Attachments - How do the attachments we form affect our relationship with God?
Sundays - Keeping the Sabbath Holy
What It Means To Me To Be Catholic? - Just the tip of the iceberg about what it means to be Catholic.
"Creation – The Distinctive Christian View” - I wrote this paper for Christian Anthropology. This paper discusses how Christians view creation.
"Islam And the Separation of Religion and State" - I wrote this paper for a class on Islam I took in 2002. It discusses how the Islam religion views the relationship of church and state.
This page last updated on August 15, 2011