Our Attitude in Giving

This week my diocese began its annual appeal known as the Catholic Ministries Appeal.  Obviously, the goal of the appeal is to raise money to pay for the “work” of our diocese.  However, the appeal is not about money.  It’s about ministry and mission.

Whenever we hear about any charitable organization doing an appeal or a campaign our initial response might be what do they want money for now or how much do they want now?

What does the diocese what money for now?  That’s easy!  To do what Christ asks of us – to care for those in need and to proclaim the good news!

How much do they want you to give?  However much you are able to.  All we ask is that you don’t make an arbitrary decision or just give the same amount you have given for the last several years.  Do what you should with all your decisions – take it to prayer.  But as you think about how much you are able to give, think about your attitude in giving.  Often, when we talk about giving to the church, we do it with a sense of an obligation to give.  I prefer to think about it as an opportunity to contribute, to contribute to the mission Christ has called us to, to proclaim the good news and to care for those in need (To learn what you are contributing to, read the Bishop’s column on the CMA.) and to give with an attitude of gratitude – gratitude for what God has given us and willingness to share it with others.

Christ is our light.  We receive the Light of Christ at Baptism.  We are called to share the light.  The theme for this year’s appeal is Let Your Light Shine.  Contributing to the Catholic Ministries Appeal is just one way to contribute.  How is God calling you to be a good steward, contributing your time, talent, and treasure to fulfill our mission?


Fr. Jeff

P.S. If you would like to hear about how the funds raised for the CMA are used, check out our diocese’s web page for the Catholic Ministries Appeal.

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