There is Still Hope

Last week I wrote about the hope I saw in the Alabama State Supreme Court’s decision that “embryos are children” (“There is Hope in Alabama”).  Unfortunately, it is becoming clear that many people do not get the significance of the decision that “embryos are children.”  What makes it clear that they don’t get it?  I …

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There is Hope in Alabama

Last Tuesday, I read Daniel Payne’s article, “Alabama Supreme Court rules that embryos are children under state law,” (2/20/24.  Catholic News Agency.  Accessed online on 2/27/24 at  In the very first line he reported, “The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that frozen human embryos constitute children under state statute.” I was overjoyed that a …

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Are You Like David or Saul?

In recent days, the first readings at daily Mass have told the story of the “tension” between David and Saul.  Saul had named as the first king of Israel but failed to follow God’s direction.  David fights in Saul’s army but Saul quickly becomes jealous.  Here is a brief outline of recent readings at daily …

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Understanding Antisemitism

Antisemitism has been a problem for a long time.  It is hostility and/or prejudice against Jews.  With the present fighting between Israel and Hamas, the news reports that antisemitism is rising across the world.  The increase is likely a reaction to the military action by Israel in the Gaza strip.  The U.N. currently reports that …

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Inspired by the Holy Spirit

After setting up for Mass this morning, I glanced at a Catholic news headline that said, “Dublin archbishop responds to stabbing of 3 children that sparked violent riots”. Ugh! Stabbing children? Why? Why? I clicked on the headline. Reading the article, I thought what possible reason could there be to stab little children, including a …

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Why am I Catholic?

Why am I Catholic? Traditionally, the answer to the question why are you Catholic was, “Because my parents and grandparents are Catholic.” Being Catholic was part of our identity. One went to church for Christmas and Easter because that’s what Catholics do it. Today we identify this as being culturally Catholic. I was baptized Catholic …

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What’s It Going to Take for People to Realize the State of Things?

I hope I am not sounding like a broken record that keeps repeating itself.  Last week I wrote, “What’s It Going to Take to End the Violence.”  There I said the answer laid in tears that came from the depths of our hearts.  In my Sunday homily this week, I spoke about current events that …

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What’s It Going to Take to End the Violence?

There is a lot of violence in the world today. We see the wars between Israel and Hamas, and the Ukraine and Russia. How many mass shootings have there been recently in our Untied States? Maine, Cincinnati… What’s it going to take to end the violence? Tears… Yes, Tears… How are tears going to help? …

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