Restored Order

When did you receive your sacraments? Most of us in the United States were baptized as babies.  We then receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and our First Eucharist around the age of reason (7).  Then, the next sacrament we receive would be Confirmation.  In the United States Confirmation is typically done sometime between the ages of seven …

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For some people the only time they pray is on Sunday at Church.  For others, they might say they pray the rosary everyday or we say grace before meals.  Some pray regularly for their family and friends.  If you read the gospels you will see that Jesus frequently went off to pray.  Jesus is one …

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New Vocations Page by the USCCB

This week the USCCB unveiled a new website  called “For Your Vocation” designed to promote vocations.  There are sections for men considering the priesthood, men and women considering religious life, for parents interested in promoting vocations, and for educators and youth leaders.  Check it out at Peace, Fr. Jeff

Two Articles on the USCCB’s Position on Immigration Reform

Immigration Reform continues to be a hot topic.  Some believe that the United States Bishops want to open our borders to everyone who wants to come and to make all illegal immigrants already in the country citizens without question.  That is not the case.  Here are two links that I received this week to articles …

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