Knowing there are a number of new people reading my blog in the last couple of months I just want to take a moment to let people know that if you post a comment, it is important that you make a clear reference to the article you are posting.
In the last six months, my blog has received over 14,000 spam comments. Fortunately, I have a spam filter that catches almost all of it before I ever see it. Occasionally, a message gets through that I recognize and delete as spam. Some are not clear. For instance, this morning I received a comment that said “Thanks for this news, its good information.” I deleted it as spam because the email address looked suspicious as spam. It could be a real comment but I have to reject anything that looks like spam to make sure no viruses or anything are attached.
So, just say enough in your comment that I can tell it really relates to an article I wrote. Thanks.
Fr. Jeff