14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
Isaiah 66:10-14c
Galatians 6:14-18
Luke 10:1-12, 17-20
July 7, 2013
Once again, Jesus is teaching us as believers of what it means to be a disciple. We have different callings in a common faith.
Jesus had previously sent out the Twelve and now he sends out 72. There are common aspects and there are differences in what they do.
The point here is that the 72 are appointed by Jesus to be “sent ahead” of him. They are to prepare people for Jesus’ coming.
Sometimes as disciples we think we don’t know enough to share the gospel. It’s a fact we don’t know everything about our faith. I spent seven years in seminary and I know I don’t know everything.
None of us knows everything but we don’t have to teach “everything” to people that we share faith with. It all starts with just sharing our faith to encourage people to come to church. Then, we can teach them more as a church. And then we leave it in Jesus’ hands.
Is it easy? Jesus speaks of carrying no money bag, sack, or sandals. We are to trust that God will provide (often through the people we minister to). As Isaiah speaks of, God will provide for the needs of those who serve him.
Will everyone like us? No. Jesus says if they don’t accept us, we move on. Being a disciple of Jesus is not about being liked. It isn’t about how many people we bring to church (although more is better).
It isn’t about being perfect ourselves before we share faith. If we wait to be perfect, we’ll never get there. In fact, the fact that we are not perfect and that Jesus loves us anyway is part of what we need to be telling others.
It’s about knowing Jesus as the Way, and the Truth, and the Life and sharing that with other people.
Jesus knows it’s not going to be easy. That’s why he says we will be like lambs among wolves. People will attack us when we speak up for our faith. People may ridicule us when we speak against abortion. People wonder why the Catholic Church is so involved in the gay marriage debate.
We need to get involved because our faith must be part of who we are and what we stand for. Jesus handed himself over for Crucifixion for our sake. Let us stand up for Jesus.