Upcoming Webinar – Starting Lent Right

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (March 2nd) and ends as we begin the Easter Triduum (Easter Sunday is April 17th).  We know the rules about abstaining from meat on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of Lent.  Have you ever thought about why we abstain from meat?  We are called to give something up for Lent.  What will you give up this year?  Will it be the same thing as every other year?  Do you know why we even have a season of Lent?

If you are interested in trying to bring a little more meaning to Lent this year, we have an opportunity for you.  On February 17th, Fr. Jeff will be offering a webinar addressing this and other Lenten customs at 6:30 pm. You can register to attend the webinar at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LoetFqQmSa23JhtQ5L1U6A (for parishioners there is an in-person presentation at 1:30 pm).


Fr. Jeff

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